Angolan troops move to protect the entrance to the village during my game, Smokin' Some Cubans |
I took this year's Wars of Insurgency scenario for a couple runnings at Cincycon 2018 in Hamilton, Ohio. I had a full table of six players on both Friday night and Saturday morning. Although attendance seemed a bit down -- particularly Friday night -- I was happy to attract the players. Not all game masters were so lucky, so I was appreciative.
The players in my Friday night game engage in firefights across the table |
Friday's game played to a fairly solid conclusion, with the South African and UNITA force having a clear path to the village. Saturday's game could have gone either way, though. It was a bloody firefight from start to finish.
South African troops intervene on behalf of UNITA in the Angolan civil war |
I still have one more thing to do before, though: paint my SADF Ratel armored cars. The resin models arrived a couple weeks ago from the UK, but I've been so busy with school and helping out my parents that I haven't even touched them, yet. I set myself a deadline of DayCon 2018 to get them done, so wish me luck!
Cuban troops guard the entrance to the village |
Here are some pictures from both days -- hope you enjoy them!
The SADF and UNITA players survey the battlefield |
Angolan troops advance to outflank the South African attack |
The battlefield as troops utilize the cover to close with the enemy |
The Angolan and Cuban commanders plan their response as the South Africans and UNITA close in |
Supported by Ratel armored cars, the South Africans close in on the Angolan village |
UNITA troopers advance under fire from the village defenders |
Wide angle view of the battlefield |