Joel's and my VC troops flee from superior U.S. firepower after we spring our ambush on them
Our friend Keith got the itch to try
Xenos Rampant! for a Vietnam battle. I think he was inspired by two things. One, hearing that our mutual friend Jim W up in Michigan was using XR! for World War II. Another was someone on the
Facebook XR! group asked for sample force lists for the Vietnam conflict. Keith created some. After going through that trouble, why of
course he's going to want to play a game using them...right??
Keith, in back holding rules, explains to the players how to do Vietnam with space rules
The scenario was during the Battle of Hue, with an American force moving along a road trying to get to Hue to help the Marines there. A North Vietnamese Army and Viet Cong force was blocking their way on the road and had set up an ambush to stop them from getting there. Keith had the Americans deploy on one of the short edges of an 8'x4' table, within 6" of the road intersecting that table edge. We deployed mostly on the far side of the table, but with the ability to bring our VC in with the Xenos rule, "Special Insertion." Yes, yes, there were chuckles on Sunday night, too. And even more laughter when I failed three straight "special insertion" rolls -- needing only a 5+ on 2d6! The only limiting factor was we couldn't deploy within 6" of an enemy unit.
Two of my NVA squads line the trees, waiting patiently - or not so patiently - for the Americans
My fellow Vietnamese officer, Joel, got the game started with a bang when he inserted in the American rear...okay, I know that doesn't sound right! However, when he used his next move to charge his brother Allen's command squad in melee. He knocked them down below half strength, but did not destroy the overall commander in chief, which would have been a heavy blow (maybe -- if I remember the rules correctly, it would merely require all the units in his force to take a Courage test).
One of my NVA squads (or platoons? Not sure of Keith's scale) guards the crossroads
Little did we know, the Americans had their own special insertions to do! No, not helicopters, but Special Forces led squads of tribal Montagnard fighters. Two of them showed up near our forces, and we proceeded to shoot at them, since the main U.S. forces were so far away. Our commander, Tom, who was playing his first-ever Vietnam game, had deployed in some elephant grass on a hill. He called in mortar attacks on Mike S's squads that were moving up to assault his hill. They eventually did chase him down off of the hill, which unfortunately for us, meant it took out our mortar support as Tom's survivors couldn't see any targets.
Tom, in an appropriately Vietnamese colored shirt keeps an eye on the three U.S. players
Once my special insertion was finally successful
(Aaah...), I brought in my VC heavy weapons squad to attempt to take out Allen's mortars. Of course, once I moved into visibility of them, they blasted the snot out of my guys. That is one thing about XR! rules. Since you either Move or Shoot, you are at the mercy of the dynamic that the person who moves into range or sight surrenders first shot to the enemy. Knowing that, I think scenarios and objectives become all the more important in a rule set that uses this mechanic (and LOTS of them out there do...).
My NVA squad lurks beyond the treeline so as not to be spotted by the Americans in the distance
My only other real success was when one of my NVA squads successfully activate to do defensive fire with their Firefight ability (yes, I know that is a counter to my above problem). I hit Mike W's U.S. squad so hard that he not only failed his Courage check, he rolled below "0" with modifiers, sending that unit routing off the table! By this time, though, all three U.S. commanders had figured out how to use their Fire Support ability and call in the heavy artillery on our units. As historically, we were getting plastered by their big guns.
The U.S. troops, on their beer coaster "sabot bases" (Booo!) advancing up the roadway in mass
Still, we had inflicted enough casualties on them that when 9pm rolled around, the U.S. players admitted it was very unlikely they'd succeed in their objective in getting off-table on our board edge. Personally, I think the table was too big for a "march all the way across" victory condition, but hey! I will take the victory...ha, ha! My troops contributed a little to our success, taking two U.S. units down below half strength and routing another. My command was below half strength, though, and would begin receiving an addition -1 to our Courage tests from that.
It took Mike S two squads and more than one barrage to chase Tom's NVA off the hill
All in all, we felt the rules worked fine for 20th century warfare. Our biggest issue to work out is probably more accurate lines of sight for the terrain of Vietnam. We simply used what the rules said, but I think it was too generous. Keith's Cigar Box mats looked great, and his decades-old 1/72 scale plastic figures were put to good use. We gave him a thumbs up to run Vietnam again.
The square terrain printed on the Cigar Box mat were rice paddies in this game
MINIATURES Acquired vs. Painted Tally for 2025
- Miniatures acquired in 2025: 100
- Miniatures painted in 2025: 31
TERRAIN Acquired vs. Painted Tally for 2025
- Terrain acquired in 2025: 10
- Terrain painted in 2025: 14
SCATTER Acquired vs. Painted Tally for 2025
- Scatter acquired in 2025: 51
- Scatter painted in 2025: 26