We had 24 players on Saturday for the 'Age of Melee' tournament and 14 on Friday for Ancients
Earlier this year, I decided to add a second Saga tournament at
Advance the Colors. Joining Saturday's open "Age of Melee" tourney would be an "Age of Ancients" one on Friday. My hope was that players from further away might be willing to come for the weekend if they could be guaranteed two days of Saga fun. Judging from where some of our attendees drove or flew in from, I would have to call it a success.
For many, it was their first time facing the multiple elephants of Daniel B's Indian army
I had players attend from South Carolina, Arkansas, and Tennessee. Two were international from Toronto, Canada. We also had our usual players from Ohio and Indiana (and even one from Michigan, this time). I had 14 for Ancients (Age of Hannibal and Alexander books), and 24 for Age of Melee. Of my 14 participants on Friday, 11 of them also played on Saturday. So, on a technicality, we DID grow from last year's 24 players (having 27 unique participants). I was hoping Saturday's tourney would break into the 30s, but who knows? Maybe next year!
Dan Neal's Persians won "Best Painted" on Friday in the Age of Ancients tournament
I think Age of Ancients is a valid choice for a theme tournament. It will be made even better when Age of Caesars is released (2024?). I think I counted 9 of the 14 were "Greek-ish," whether actual Greek Cities, Graeculi, or Successors. There was only one Republican Roman player and no Carthaginian, Numidian, Iberian, Thracian, etc. That was a tiny disappointment -- I like seeing a variety of armies at a tournament. We did have Indians and Persians, though. I don't think that's surprising, though, as both armies are highly regarded among experienced Saga players.
Bob Boggs' Asiatic Successor army went 3-0 and won Friday's 'Age of Ancients'
I did my usual dividing of players into two pools -- a "local" and "visitors." My reasoning for this is to ensure players face as many opponents that they usually don't game with as possible. Thus, winning "local" players would face winning "visitors" in the second round, and the same for ones who lost. There was a little bit of fudging, of course. The locals were outnumbered by the visitors (which is a good thing because the more people come from far away the more it means we're growing!). So, I co-opted my friend Jason from South Carolina onto the home team as he grew up in Ohio. Rusty and James joined the locals, even though they don't usually play against our Saga Ohio players. You get the picture, though. I was happy that I was able to keep the home vs. visitor matchups going pretty much through all three rounds.
Anthony Adams, left, had a very successful weekend going 5-1. He plays Lowell & his Graeculi
I had a ton of prize support.
Gripping Beast shipped in boxes of miniatures from England. The ever-generous Jeff Gatlin of
Shieldwall Gaming provided lots of prize support, both miniatures and gift certificates.
Cotton Jim Flags sent four Saga books.
Father and Son Gaming donated MDF Saga measuring sticks. Sword & Scabbard Games donated two sets of their unique sets of 3-D printed markers for Saga. Arriving after I'd left for Springfield and ATC were six very generous gift certificates from
Badger Games. I sent them to the top three finishers of each tournament electronically, so they go double prizes! And of course,
Saga Ohio (in this case, me!) donated six custom-painted warlord stands. I also shelled out some of my own money to make sure everyone got a prize by purchasing stuff from the vendors present at ATC 2023.
Lots of smiles and Saga action going on amongst the tables at Advance the Colors
How did the tournaments turn out? They went VERY well, according to the feedback from my players and my own judgement. Most the players went out of their way to thank me and praise how the tournaments ran, which was very gratifying. I'd spent many, many hours preparing for this weekend. The fact that all seemed to have a good time makes it worthwhile, and gave me a deep sense of satisfaction. I fully realize that the Saga tournaments at ATC are among the largest in the United States. It speaks to the dedication of our local Saga Ohio players and the camaraderie with the Ft. Wayne and Indianapolis contingents from neighboring Indiana. Without those guys, our tournaments would lose some of their luster, and I thank them for their continued support of events here in Ohio.
James Tolbert's Greek Cities: Spartans hurl themselves upon their Gallic opponents
Here are the full results of the Age of Ancients tournament on Friday. The battles we played were, Rescue the Hostages (my own adaption of a scenario we played this summer at Historicon), Desecration, and Clash of Warlords. Congratulations to Bob Boggs and his Asiatic Successors army for winning the tournament!
- Bob Boggs, Asiatic Successors, 3-0 (88 points)
- Dan Neal, Median Persian, 3-0 (61 points)
- Anthony Adams, Greek Cities: Spartan, 2-1 (40 points)
- Edgar Gillock, Greek Cities: Athens, 2-1 (40 points)
- Jason Mirosavich, Indian, 2-1 (30 points)
- James Tolbert, Greek Cities: Sparta, 1-1-1 (48 points)
- Scott McPheeters, Achaemenid Persian, 1-1-1 (37 points)
- Lowell Lufkin, Graeculi: Syracuse, 1-2 (71 points)
- Jim Deppen, Republican Romans, 1-2 (67 points)
- Doug Dunn, Gauls, 1-2 (65 points)
- Shea Dunn, Gauls, 1-2 (55 points)
- Andy Swingle, Greek Cities: Athens, 1-2 (49 points)
- Charlie Clay, Greek Cities: Athens, 1-2 (37 points)
- Rusty Parker, Graeculi: Epirote, 0-3 (52 points)
The Ancient armies looked great on the tabletop, and the players seemed to really enjoy the theme
Best painted army was won by Dan Neal, who received a $25 gift certificate from Shieldwall Gaming. Dan also went 3-0, but was out-pointed by his gaming buddy Bob. So, it was an appropriate consolation, imagine.
Ed G drove from Tennessee for the convention and plays against Andy S - founder of Saga Ohio
Saturday was the bigger day for participants, of course. My Age of Melee tournament began at ATC in 2021 with 16 players. Last year, we had 24 players, and this year we equaled that with another two dozen. I have to remember to ask for more space next year because if we had any more players, I would have had to scrounge extra tables from the convention staff!
Top tables in the final round: Anthony vs. Joe D (Huns vs. Mongols!) left, and Charlie vs. Shea
Here are the full results for the Age of Melee tournament, below. The winner was Shea Dunn, who drove down with his dad Doug. Shea was playing Irish and was entering his FIRST TOURNAMENT EVER! The 23-year-old has been playing less than a year, and overcame staunch opposition to come out on top of a pile that included many, many winners of previous tournaments. I have to admit, it was hard not to pull for "the kid" -- especially since he's such a nice guy who always has a smile and is there to have fun. Best painted was Charlie Clay with his Persians. Charlie has been the true Saga nomad enthusiast, traveling around the country for work and bringing his Saga armies with him. He seeks out games with local clubs and has become quite the ambassador for the game. Charlie won a 4-point Gripping Beast Gallic starter army box from Shieldwall Games. Congrats to both Shea and Charlie!
Beautiful armies, beautiful banners, and lots of spectacle on the tabletop throughout the two days!
- Shea Dunn, Irish, 3-0 (116 points)
- Anthony Adams, Huns, 3-0 (99 points)
- Lee Parker, Milites Christi, 2-0-1(85 points)
- Jason Mirosavich, Scots, 2-1 (86 points)
- Charlie Clay, Achaemenid Persians, 2-1 (82 points)
- Jim Randall, Byzantines, 2-1 (79 points)
- Scott McPheeters, Irish, 2-1 (78 points)
- Jim Deppen, Welsh, 2-1 (78 points)
- Joe Dihrkop, Mongols, 2-1 (72 points)
- Eric Morrow, Greek Cities: Spartans, 2-1 (68 points)
- Edgar Gillock, Anglo-Saxon, 1-1-1 (71 points)
- Daniel Broaddus, Indian, 1-1-1 (67 points)
- Mike Zajchowski, Carolingian, 1-1-1 (67 points)
- Dan Neal, Baltic Crusaders, 1-1-1 (65 points)
- Bob Boggs, Byzantines, 1-2 (78 points)
- Doug Dunn, Gauls, 1-2 (74 points)
- Jason Stelzer, Romans (AOI), 1-2 (72 points)
- Benjamin Barber, Pagan Peoples, 1-2 (66 points)
- Phil Keifer, Welsh, 1-2 (64 points)
- Dave Eblin, Romans (AOI), 1-2 (44 points)
- Joseph Merz, Gauls, 0-2-1 (72 points)
- Mark A. Bishop, Franks, 0-2-1 (49 points)
- Lowell Lufkin, Anglo-Saxon, 0-2-1 (48 points)
- Karen Metz, Viking, 0-3 (64 points)
What Saga is all about -- two warbands striving to overcome each other on the battlefield!
A special thanks to my "odd-man out," Joe Merz, who cheerfully volunteered to be my extra in case I had an odd number of players. I didn't need him on Friday, but I did on Saturday, and appreciated his stepping in and playing.
The thing I enjoy most about a tournament is seeing all the armies arrayed & meeting the people
There have been a LOT of tournaments in our area this year, but there IS one more. Those who can make it to Ft. Wayne, Indiana, can participate in the
Rumble on the Rivers. Join the always-fun Ft. Wayne group and our Saga Ohio contingent who will be heading over to join them. Here's the
link for the convention.
The somber, black-clad Hospitallers of Lee Parker's Milites Christi held down 3rd place Saturday
I hope you enjoy the pictures of the beautifully painted armies the players brought. It was a pleasure for me just to walk around and admire them. Thanks to all the players who attended, and to
HMGS Great Lakes for providing us the venue for our third annual tournament(s).
Anthony's Huns vs. Joe's Mongols -- lots of horses riding to and fro on the battlefield!
Charlie's best-painted Persians take on an elephant in the Age of Melee tournament
"For Sparta!" Greek Cities of both Athenian & Spartan variety proved very popular all weekend
Greeks vs. Gauls -- historical matchups were common in Friday's 'Age of Ancients' tourney
Republican Romans feeling awfully lonely in a field of Greeks, Greeks, and more Greeks!