Monday, May 9, 2016

Prototype: Snake Rail fencing

    My prototype for snake rail fencing all assembled and posed with some 28mm miniatures
I have been kicking around the idea of doing some "snake rail" (sometimes called split rail) fencing for French & Indian War games featuring raids on European settlements. I looked at a number of pictures online and also on the Lead Adventure Form. I kept waiting for inspiration to strike, though, for how to solve a few key construction and design issues.

Early on, I was certain I wanted to do these a separate fence sections -- not as a complete, connected field. My closets are already bursting with 28mm terrain (the board games were already exiled from the gaming closet in my office to the living room closet). So, I need something that will take up less space in my terrain boxes. The big problem is what to do with the end of each section. I didn't want them "hanging" in air..

    A photograph of the real thing -- a handy feature of snake rail fencing is it does not require posts
I noticed in one picture that the end of a section had the rails just laying, stacked up, on the ground. I figured that might not look so bad, so decided to give it a whirl. I'd also decided to use small bases at the intersections of the rails -- not a complete rectangular base. The zig-zag pattern of snake rail fencing would mean lots of useless base space.

So, I assembled the material and constructed the above prototype. Feel free to email me with comments and suggestions. I am "purt-darned pleezed" with how it turned out. Unless somebody comes up with an amazing suggestion, I am going to go into full assembly mode this week.

Thanks for any comments, suggestions, and ideas...!

1 comment:

  1. Finally, I flocked each of the stars, and the fence sections were done! I did not bother putting a wash on them because of all the nooks and crannies that would need to be filled up. I was very pleased with the fence sections, and plan to do more of them soon!
    commercial fencing
