Wednesday, September 11, 2024

'Nasty Zombies' Plus Another Batch of 10

    2 'Nasty zombies' lead a pack of Wargames Factory zombies prowling through the industrial district
I think I am nearing the end of my zombie painting spree. These two batches should enable me to run Zombie RV for three vehicle crews (12 survivors). That will probably be about as big of a game as I need to run anytime soon. Since the rules have three tiers of zombies, with "Nasty Zombies" being the meanest, I figure I needed more of them. I dug through my Post-Apocalyptic unpainted lead and picked out four that could be painted into zombies, I felt. I also did the next-to-last batch of male zombies from the Wargames Factory box.

    Five of this batch of Wargames Factory zombies - do they sense survivors inside the factory?
The 10 ordinary zombies were done exactly like the others I've been doing (for what seems like quite awhile, now!). So, I won't really talk much about them. I am trying to personalize a handful in each batch. I did some tattoos on the shirtless zombies. I think they look better in person than in the photos. I also tried to put writing on their shirts or lab coats, which I think turned out fairly poorly, unfortunately. I think I was in a hurry because I also forgot to bricks or other debris on their bases. I didn't notice it until I was putting them away.

    Two of the 'Nasty zombies' -- one an OSU fan and the punk rocker...a gamer?
Speaking of which, it IS quite the zombie horde I'm accumulating. And the mass effect of them all together in the box looks really good, I think. Hopefully, they look equally good horded together on the tabletop! Well, maybe not to the survivors, but visually...!

    The other two 'Nasty zombies' leading their pack of five to investigate a downed helicopter
Unlike most metal figures, I did prime these black to go with the same overall look as the rest of the zombies. I made sure when painting the pants and shirts to leave a bit of black around the exposed flesh where their clothes are torn and they've been slashed or shot. I would need the zombie aspect of these to jump out more to the eye, so I painted lots of tears, blood stains, and such. Two of the zombies have punk rock style haircuts or goatees. I decided to have a little fun and paint one of them like a friend of mine. We'll see if he notices that he's been "immortalized" as a zombie. The lettering on the jacket and mohawk color should be a giveaway, if you know him.

    The nasty with the red mohawk and goatee is probably my favorite of the bunch!
The other one has a very bright punk rocker red mohawk and goatee. He's probably my favorite nasty zombie of the group. I think his brown leather jacket, blue jeans, and. bright green shirt worked out nicely together. The one next to him above is from Battle Valor Games and their "Space Cannibals" line. He has improvised armor that apparently didn't work out to well for him against the zombies!

    The hand-lettered lab coat and lawn worker shirts were a 'fail,' I think -- less is more in this case!
I have to admit, I am actually looking forward to wrapping up the zombie painting. They've all painted up quickly and turned out fairly well. I'm just getting a little tired of painting nearly the same thing over and over. You may have noticed the nasty zombies have brighter, brick base texturing. I'm not 100% sure it worked out great. However, I admit, it is more of a game mechanic so players can easily recognize the nasty zombies vs. the regular zombies. The styrene plastic pattern isn't grooved very deeply, so I added a couple tiny bricks atop the metal base the figure is cast onto. It looks so-so. I should probably have done the entire base in those tiny bricks. That would have looked better, I think.

I'm working my way back towards a positive total for my painted vs. acquired tally. I would say I will even it up within a couple weeks. I have that final batch of 10 zombies (sigh...) and two painted warlord stands to do for the Advance the Colors 2024 Saga tournament. That'll put me at 170 vs. 170, most likely!

Miniature Painting & Purchasing Tally for 2024

  • Miniatures acquired in 2024: 170
  • Miniatures painted in 2024: 154

1 comment:

  1. I think your zombie horde is bigger than mine now. I do have more unpainted plastic ones though.
