Nechtan Mac Fergus leads his Picts against Roman invaders beyond Hadrian's Wall in our February Saga Day |
Thirteen is my lucky number, and that was the number of players we had at February's Saga Game Day at the Guardtower East, here in Columbus, Ohio. I was able to get in two games with my newest warband, the Picts (using the Scots board from Age of Vikings). Lately, I'd been getting in only one game, as either mine ran long or I was letting others play and taking on the role of odd man out for one round. This week, Andy decided to take the bye in our first round, because he wanted to get in a game of Age of Magic, and there were only two other players for that (Steve and Jeff).
Bob and Jim, right, face off in the second round while Jeff, in hat, wages war with Steve |
My first opponent was another newer player, Todd, who had only played once previously. He was using Andy's Anglo-Danish warband. I'd used Anglo-Danes a number of times, as those who read my blog have seen with the saga of Sigurd Skullsplitter. I gave Todd advice on how to use his battle board, though he seemed fairly confident. We rolled and I was the "first player" (essentially the Attacker), so I rationalized this was Nechtan Mac Fergus' punitive raid into Northumbria to avenge last month's bloody battle against Joe's Anglo-Danes. We set quite a bit of terrain on the board, and then I rolled to have us fighting diagonally across it. This meant that Todd had large woods on either flank, which would slow down his hearthguard's movement towards the front of the battle.
My Picts close in quickly against Todd's Anglo-Danes to minimize their galling missile fire |
I deployed with my three larger units of warriors in the center (10-figure, 12, and 10). My levy bow guarded the spearmen's flank in a rocky area to the left. On the right, my small unit of mounted hearthguard watched the woods for the approach of the Anglo-Danes. Nechtan Mac Fergus followed behind the warriors, encouraging them on. Todd deployed his levy slingers in the woods opposite our left, with a unit of warriors guarding the gap between it and another woods. His two small units of hearthguard were advancing through the thick woods towards our left. Another unit of warriors threatened to encircle our right, so my hearthguard moved up to keep an eye on them.
Todd's Warlord urges two small units of Anglo-Danish hearthguard through the woods to face my Picts |
The warriors are the strength of this list, with numerous battle board abilities that give them bonus defensive dice. They also have one or two offensive ones that can really pack a punch. Since Todd was rolling better and the missile fire was going his way, I sped up my advance with my left and center long spearmen. One unit of spear drove the Anglo-Dane levy out of the woods, while another drove back his center unit of warriors. Neither victory was overwhelming for my Picts, so I decided to soften them up even more with the "Reach" ability. This lets my non-missile armed troops make a "javelin" attack on the enemy. I rationalize this as darting forward and using the long spear's reach to cause casualties, then backing off. I also targeted the closest of his small hearthguard units advancing through the woods and managed one casualty there.
Bob's warlord urges his Welsh forward against Jim's Byzantines, who had been on a victory streak in recent months |
The next phase proved more decisive as my spearmen eliminated the weakened unit of Anglo-Dane hearthguard and the center unit of warriors. When his second unit of hearthguard emerged from the woods, they were destroyed, too. At this point, with all my units still intact, I was willing to back off and take my victory on points. The Anglo-Dane warlord was still at large, and any too-aggressive pursuit in the center could run afoul of him. Todd urged me to charge his unit of warriors which was standing off my small hearthguard cavalry. He said if I charged them, we could call the game after the fight. So, I loaded up on battleboard abilities and obliged him, which was another Pictish melee victory. We counted up the points, and my Picts had won 16-9.
Jason, at right, examines his Roman battleboard for clues to defeat my Picts, while Mike, left, and Joe face off |
One of my favorite gamers of the "next generation" -- the kids of my gamer friends -- is Jason Stelzer. He always has a wry sense of humor and enjoys having fun in games. We had yet to play in Saga, so I told him we should match up in the second round. He was using Romans from the Age of Invasions (Aetius & Arthur) booklet, this week. He's also played Vikings and Anglo-Danes quite a bit. I was the Defender in this game, and adjusted his center hill towards my side of the board, but otherwise, it was a battle that would feature an open center and woods and rocky areas on the flanks.
Opening stages of the Roman-Pict clash, with my spearmen calmly awaiting the invaders' charge |
I deployed my three warrior spearmen units on the center hill, backed up by the mounted hearthguard and Nechtan Mac Fergus. My levy archers raced through the woods on my right to get into shooting range of the enemy. Across from us, the first line of the Roman center was composed of missile troops -- levy javelinmen and warrior bows. They were backed up by cataphract hearthguard cavalry, his Warlord, and a large unit of warriors. Another 12-man warrior unit extended to his left, aimed at rousting my archers out of their woods.
Nechtan Mac Fergus exhorts his troops after repulsing two Roman charges |
After doing little last game, my archers made up for it against the Romans, scoring hits every time they shot. The "Diversionary Volley" battleboard ability is a nice one, granting two extra attack dice and preventing the target from utilizing bonus defensive dice. As his warriors took hits, advancing towards my archers, I moved one of my spear units into the edge of the woods to intercept them. Meanwhile, Jason decided to open up the fighting with a surprising charge by his levy javelinmen against my largest unit of spear. He insisted it had been successful in previous games, though I don't think he knew the capabilities of a fully-loaded Scots battle board. It was a slaughter, and only two levy survived to flee back towards their lines, while my Picts celebrated, virtually unscathed.
Byzantine cataphracts from Jim's army ride to meet their foe |
Another neat battleboard ability for my Picts is "No Respite", which allows me to roll three available Saga dice and place them on my board. Essentially, after using up most of my abilities on my turn, it allows me to restock my battleboard for my opponent's turn. So, when his warriors crashed into my spearmen that were blocking his advance towards my archers, they faced the same deadly Saga abilities. My favorite offensive combination is "Long Spears" which allows me to take up to half of my attack dice and convert them into defensive dice. Then, playing "Counter-Attack," each defensive dice earns me a bonus of two more attack dice. Another Pictish melee victory and another shattered Roman unit reeling backwards!
A unit of Jenny's Jomsviking warriors charge towards their foes, blood-lust up |
Next, it was time to soften them up some more, so I advanced my battleline to within javelin range and used "Reach" to cause even more casualties. My hearthguard cavalry got into the fray, too, charging down and destroying a remnant unit, inflicting fatigue on all their compatriots within 4" that witnessed their destruction. A key to my success was setting up the battle so we fought only one melee per turn. That allowed me to pile in overwhelming abilities to dominate this one contest. The Picts also have the ability to go defensive, and take few to no casualties when charged. By closing ranks, and then using "Long Spears" to ensure I have more bonus defensive dice than attack dice, I can also play "Beyond the Wall." This makes my saves an additional +1 on top of the bonus for closing ranks. Saving from melee hits with handfuls of defense dice that are successful on 3-6 is an excellent way to protect your troops from casualties!
Jenny's warlord battles four Norman riders, confident of victory |
We counted up the points and it was a pretty overwhelming victory for Nechtan Mac Fergus -- 29-7. So far, my Picts were 3-0 in their three games. So, I'm feeling much happier about painting them up than I was in the opening stages of their initial battle against Joe last month (when droves of them were dying to Anglo-Danish axes). I understand, though, that this is Saga. There are armies out there that have battle board abilities that can counteract mine. However, it is fun playing them the way they are supposed to be: scrappy, tough fighters, who can survive lots of punishment and deal out death on the counterattack. And it is also fun figuring out how to maximize the use of your army's strengths while minimizing those of the enemy. I am really glad our Saga group is catching on. Each matchup and game is a tactical puzzle: How to piece together your strengths and the enemy's weaknesses to give yourself the best chance for victory.
Jim's Byzantine battleline draws aim across the battlefield at their foes |
There were six battles in our first round of games (one Age of Magic, the rest historical). Adrian had to bow out in the second round to drive back to Dayton, so we had only five games then. Here are the results of the historical battles. Not all players bothered to count up the points, as some simply conceded that they were beaten at the end.
Mike's Jomsvikings prepare to hurl themselves upon Joe's Anglo-Danish warriors |
Round One
- Bob B (Welsh) defeated Mike S (Jomsvikings), 28-15
- Mike D (Picts/Scots) defeated Todd (Anglo-Dane), 16-7
- Jim R (Byzantine) defeated Joe M (Anglo-Dane), no score
- Dave E (Normans) defeated Jason S (Roman), no score
- Adrian J (Irish) defeated Jenny T (Jomsvikings), 30-10
Anglo-Danes advance, carrying long Danish axes known to wreak havoc upon their foes |
Round Two
- Mike S (Jomsvikings) defeated Joe M (Anglo-Danes), 31-25
- Bob B (Welsh) fought Jim R (Byzantine) to a draw, 26.5-26
- Mike D (Picts-Scots) defeated Jason S (Roman), 29-7
- Dave E (Normans) defeated Jenny T (Jomsvikings), 31-25
Here were the records for the day for the historical Saga players:
Dave E, Normans, 2-0
Mike D, Picts (Scots), 2-0
Bob B, Welsh, 1-0-1
Jim R, Byzantine, 1-0-1
Adrian, Irish, 1-0
Mike S, Jomsvikings, 1-1
Todd, Anglo-Dane, 0-1
Jason S, Romans, 0-2
Jenny T, Jomsvikings, 0-2
Joe M, Anglo-Dane, 0-2
Here were out two Age of Magic games:
Jeff (Other Worlds) defeated Steve (Wild), no score
Steve (Wild) defeated Andy (Undead)
Players interested in showing up for our Saga Game Days should sign up for the
Saga Ohio group on Facebook.