Four of eight players brought Norse armies, including Jenny's Vikings pictured here
Vikings trampled the battlefields beneath fall foliage at our October Saga Game Day. Of the eight players present, four used Norse lists. We had three Viking players (Jenny T, Jim B, and Lee P), while I was trying out a brand-new list: Pagan Rus. Other armies included Tyler P's Irish, Adrian J's Saracens, Bob B's Last Romans, and Dave E's Romans.
At left, Lee deployed his armored fist of hearthguard & warlord while Jim and Tyler (right) wage battle
I had decided to change things up originally because Anthony wanted to try out my Welsh, which I use many of the figures for Count Drogo's Carolingians. He ended up not being able to make it, but the more I thought about it the week before, the more I thought I should save playing Carolingians until I actually have my figures painted up! Scouring the Age of Vikings book, I knew I could field Pagan Rus using a combination of my Viking and Pict figures, as well as the handful of Irish and Peasants. My list would be an unbalanced one -- three points of Norse hearthguard (in two 6-man units) and three points of Slav Javelin-armed levy (in four 9-man units). Why so much javelin levy? Well, the combination of their missile power and "The Pack" Saga ability on the Rus board seemed interesting.
Jenny's shield maidens advance through the fall foliage to face Adrian's Saracens
Lee ended up borrowing my main Viking army, but I had enough Saxons and Viking hearthguard left over that I could field my army and his with my figures. He chose two 6-man hearthguard units as well, along with two 8-man warrior units, and one 12-man levy bow. The Viking battle board is a potent one, and I knew the "Odin" ability would give my planned shooting tactics fits. Luckily, the Rus board doesn't rely on chains of Saga abilities, so "Loki" shouldn't be a major worry like it usually is with my Picts/Scots, for example.
Lee's hearthguard and warlord advance through the woods to engage my right wing
Lee placed a marsh in the center of the battlefield, as well as a small woods on the left. I placed a large woods on the right and a smaller one on my left, as well. I had planned on advancing two levy units through the woods, but Lee got the jump on me and deployed an armored hammer of his two hearthguard and warlord to seize it first. For this being only Lee's second game of Saga, he made a number of very astute moves. This also included taking advantage of my split deployment with a quick attack on half of my army, as well as saving his hearthguards and warlord to deploy last after he had seen my full army's array.
"Here they come!" Lee's armored Viking hearthguard advance menacingly through the trees
For a change, I was "second player," and immediately began using Maneuver to move my stranded left flank back across to support my endangered right wing. Lee probably should have advanced a unit in the center more boldly to deny me these free moves (maneuver costs no Saga dice for activation, but cannot start or end within 12" of any enemy). However, his focus was on an aggressive advance through the woods with his armored fist. My right hang back, though, waiting for them to get closer.
My left wing of two more levy and one hearthguard unit hurry to help the beleaguered right
Once the Vikings appeared on the edge of the woods, my warlord Grimmundir waved the levies and hearthguard in front of him forward. The first unit of levy closed to within 6" and hurled their javelins. No hits. The second unit advanced and did the same - no hits, as well. Plus, he used "Odin" on them to exhaust them. Finally, the hearthguard closed to within 6", and I used "The Pack" ability on my board. This gives two shooting attack dice per unit within a Medium of the designated enemy. Six dice, no hits. I had rolled a total of 16 dice and hadn't scratched his hearthguard! So much for the shooting ability of this army (though, it is true my dice were bad and he was in cover in the woods).
"Odin" does not like it when you shoot at Vikings! Result is one exhausted (and doomed) levy unit
Predictably, his hearthguard charged on his turn. The first unit slammed into my exhausted levy unit. He also played "Heimdall" to give five more attack dice, which surprised me. He used my fatigue to lower my armor so all his hits were automatic. The levy died to a man, inflicting no casualties. His second hearthguard unit charged out of the woods and slammed into the fresh levy unit. One figure survived, though, retreating away.
The expected response - hearthguard charge out of the woods and eliminate the Slavy levy
Two units were essentially gone and we'd caused one casualty to his hearthguard. Still, they were out of the woods now, and easier targets. I brought over one of my left flank levies who'd been hurrying to our rescue to shoot at the hearthguard. I followed that up with "The Pack" again. This time, we caused casualties. My own hearthguard on the right followed up with a charge that cut down the remaining Vikings. Skol! Finally, a victory!!
Revenge is sweet, as is our first major success as my hearthguard cut down the Vikings levy slayers!
Lee was tempted to toss his warlord into the fray, but decided to use his command and control to get the rest of his army (which had been hanging back) up to support the attack. The other Viking hearthguard charged to eliminate the remaining levy, which though it put fatigue on my warlord and hearthguard, meant that he was leaving both my units unbloodied for my counterattack. By this time, my left wing hearthguard had arrived and interposed themselves between the Viking center and my right.
The center is going in the Rus favor, too, as my hearthguard hurl back his warriors' attack
On my turn, I my right wing hearthguard hurled themselves upon their levy slaying kinsmen, and cut them down to a man, as well. I made sure for every battle Grimmundir was close by, so I could use the "Kagan" ability which gives a bonus 3-5 dice. The next phase of the battle was in the center. One of his warrior units double moved and slammed into my fresh hearthguard who awaited them. For the loss of one figure, we destroyed five of the enemy warriors and hurled them back.
Lee's surviving Vikings begin to withdraw, but not before my hearthguard will chase down the archers
At this point, Grimmundir knew he had control of the battle. I used "Frozen Wind" twice in the final two turns, putting a fatigue each on three of his surviving units. Meanwhile, we advanced steadily to pile up what casualties we could before the sixth and final turn. This ended up being a charge and follow up charge by the hearthguard to completely eliminate the levy bow. Lee was once again tempted to throw his warlord in, but decided that discretion was the better part of valor and fell back to preserve the rest of his troops. Grimmundir's Pagan Rus were victorious 22-14, but it had been a hard-fought battle that saw bodies piling up on both sides. We both agreed that it was a fun game. Lee is a fast learner and will be a deadly opponent in future Saga Game Days.
Jenny puzzles out a response to the speed and shooting of the Adrian's Saracens
Meanwhile, in the other first round games the Vikings were not having a good day of it. The first round results were:
- Tyler P's Irish outscored Jim B's Vikings in "Claiming Territory," 18-14.
- Adrian J's Saracens overwhelmed Jenny T's Vikings in Clash of Warlords, 18-8.
- Bob B's Last Romans won the civil war against their Western Roman opponents in Clash of Warlords, 27-9.
- Once again, the score in my game was my Pagan Rus defeating Lee's Vikings 22-14 in Clash of Warlords.
Tyler's Irish begin their successful "Claiming Territory" in their matchup with Jim's Vikings
There was only one second round game, though. A few people had to leave and Lee and I got a late start, cutting down on the number of potential players. The second game was a Viking civil war, with Jim B matching up in Clash of Warlords against Jenny's Vikings. Both players fielded lots of shield maiden figures. It was quite the shock for me to see Jim deploy two 8-man hearthguard units. He used those heavy hammers to good effect and out-bludgeoned Jenny in a slugfest, 20-15.
More Vikings become food for the ravens - in this case overwhelmed by Saracen cavalry
We likely would have had more players this time, but several people had last-minute things come up. We are looking foward to the Dayton Saga Game Day at the Dragon's Guildhall in two weeks. My guess is that I'll bring Grimmundir to that gathering of warlords, as well. I had fun playing the Pagan Rus. I don't think they are nearly as tough as the other armies I've played - Welsh first, then Picts (Scots), and Carolingians. However, it could be I just need to wrap my head around the battleboard abilities from the cold northern steppes!
Jim warlord scores a second-round victory - the only Viking success of the day (not counting the Rus!)
Close up of gorgeously painted 28mm figures, in this case Jenny's Vikings and Adrian's Saracens