Sunday, March 20, 2022

Dozen Warlords Assemble at Dragons Guildhall for Spring Game Day

    Phil's Elephant was one of two that he fielded in his Sassanid Persian army against Bob B
The return of spring saw a surge in players at our monthly Saga game day at the Dragons Guildhall in Beavercreek, OH. More than a dozen attended to show off new armies, try out new variants, or get in some games with armies that haven't seen the tabletop in awhile. It was great to see Jim B able to make it out after several months away. He was excited to get out his Skraeling army, and usher some new players in a Skraeling vs. Skraeling matchup. Irv had arrived with his grandson with his own Skraeling army, and we've found "mirror image" games to be a great learning tool for new players.

    Phil and Bob B square off in the foreground of our 12+ players we had attend our Saga game day

Otherwise, we had a couple players attend their first game day at the Guildhall, including Phil who fielded Saga Ohio's first-ever Sassanid Persian army. Bob B got the opportunity to see how this new faction fights as he squared off against Phil in a historical matchup with his Age of Invasions Romans. Phil's army was gorgeous with the brightly-painted cataphracts and two elephants. After playing Bob, he said he was "hooked," and would be returning for more Saga soon.

    Sassanid Persian cataphracts charge against Bob B's Roman foot
If I am correct, this was also Benny's first time at one of our regular game days, though he has competed in tournaments at Game Table Adventures previously. He offered to field a Gallic army so that Michael C could get in a historical match with his Republican Romans. Michael's legion looked great on the tabletop and has me looking forward to the arrival of the final figures I need to field my own Romans. For the first time ever, I will be sending them off as a commission to be painted by Ted Bender. I know Andy S also runs Republican Romans, so who knows? Maybe one day we can field a Punic Wars campaign at Saga Ohio?

    Jim B's awesome Skraeling army with this totem miniatures ready to fight off a rival tribe
Jenny was looking forward to her second game with her new Eastern Princes army (also painted by Ted!). She matched up against Joe D's Vikings in Battle of Heroes. Jenny reported that Joe had a momentous turn using the Ragnarok advanced ability that spelled ruin for her army. Still, she's 1-1 with a brand new army and battle board, so that isn't bad!

    Michael C's Republican Roman legion advances against a dangerous army of Gauls
My opponent, Ted H, was also getting in a second game with a new battle board - the Milites Christi. I offered to play my Moors for a period (and perhaps historic?) matchup, and Ted accepted. I was glad he did because I had been wanting to play Majik Ibn Battuta al-Waqaa's Moors again. They are a very fun army to play. You have to maneuver well, and keep your vulnerable mounted hearthguard javelin men protected on the opponent's turn, otherwise you can lose your best troops easily to either enemy shooting or melee. I'll do another post with a detailed game report on that matchup.

    Joe D's Vikings advance against Jenny's Eastern Princes in the frozen north

The final game was when Phil's friend Brian popped in to watch the action. I offered up my loaner Viking army, and Adrian graciously offered to teach him in a learning game. So, we had six battles raging, with everyone having a good time, it appeared.

Unfortunately, my own game was Ted was so gripping that I did not get a chance to circulate and find out the details on all of the other games. Here's what I was able to record:

  • Bob S (helped by Jim B)'s Skraelings defeated Irv H (assisted by his grandson)'s Skraelings, 12-9.
  • Bob B's Romans tied against Phil's Sassanid Persians, 20-21.
  • Michael C's Republican Romans defeated Benny's Gauls, 28-25 in Ambush (?).
  • Joe D's Vikings defeated Jenny T's Eastern Princes, 12-8.
  • Mike D's Moors defeated Ted H's Milites Christi, 17-6.
  • Adrian and Brian's Viking matchup was a training game and they did record points.

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