My Wendigo leader, backed by skinwalker bears and wolverines, battles the leader of an enemy cabal
Much to my surprise, our regular Reign in Hell players decided to count our last game as "Game 1" of the campaign. So, we began our evening working our way through the effects of the last battle,
"Two Kings of the Hill." First off, all demons who died had to roll on the Soul Loss table. This could end up having a negative, positive, or no effect. Then they roll once on the "Reward Table" -- and a second time if they won the scenario. My Wendigo Cabal won our 4-player half of King of the Hill, and picked up a Lucky Charm relic. I gave this to my Skadegamutc Devout, since I use him so aggressively in combat. This would enable him to reroll any one die in all combats.
The leader of Mike S's cabal and two of his lesser demons swarm Jenny's Devout
I hadn't lost any demons, so all received 2 experience points, except my Wendigo leader who received a third one for leading the cabal to victory. One or two players were starting anew, but most of the eight players went through the steps of rolling for their outcomes. We had decided earlier to skip the "Titles" aspect of the campaign, as it seemed to laborious to track. Now that I have looked at it closer, I am also going to propose that we skip "Expeditions" in between turns. At least for now. Once everyone was ready and their cabals had received whatever benefits their rolls garnered them, we began deploying for Game Two of the campaign.
The cabals advancing towards the relics at the end of Turn 1
I suggested Relic Hunters for this campaign. It seemed relatively balanced and should involve us getting mixed up in combat quickly. We also decided to use one of the optional rules from the first issue of the
Demonomicon, Snarling Badger Studios' blog. Instead of using 6" deployment areas in the corner, it suggests enlarging them to 9". We did find this meant we couldn't place the relics the mandatory 6" away from deployment areas, board edges, and other relics. I think we shrunk that down to 5" and each player was able to legally place a relic.
On the other table, Andy's Dryad Leader proves that SOMEBODY cares about the trees!
Directly across the table was Jenny T with her Judges Philosophy cabal that she had borrowed from Keith. To my right was Allen S, who was also playing The Empty -- the same philosophy as my Wendigo Native American themed Cabal. Diagonally across was Mike S, who was playing Earth-Bound. Mike and Jenny were the first to seize a relic, snatching them up with a speedy flying Mephit lesser demon. On my turn 1, I perhaps unwisely split my forces. I sent two of my Skinwalker Bears (Armored Demons) towards the relic between Jenny and I. They were supported by the Skadegamutc shaman (Void Demon, my devout second-in-command) who teleported into the rough terrain towards the center of the table in our quarter. The rest of my force, two Wolverine Skinwalkers (Corpulent Demons), the remaining Skinwalker Bear, and my Wendigo leader began lumbering towards the relic between Allen and I.
End of Turn 2 - my cabal has seized two relics, but the other players are trying to wrest them away
I rolled really good initiative on turn 2. In Reign in Hell, players roll 1d12 per demon in their cabal at the start of the turn. In an interesting mechanic, all 12's move first, then all 11's, and so on. Players choose which demon to move when their turn comes up. A demon cannot move on two dice, but is limited to using one. So, once you move them, they're done for the turn. My good rolls allowed me to seize both of the relics I was advancing towards. Jenny's disgruntled sound made me realize that I'd have to fight for it, though. About 2/3's of Allen's troops were marching towards me, so I knew this would not be a repeat of King of the Hill, when I really had to face only one other player, Allen. I'd whomped on his pretty good, so I imagined he was going to be up for revenge this game. That's the way Allen rolls!
Splitting my cabal proves perilous, as Jenny's Leader & Slaughter Fiend attack two skinwalker bears
My Wendigo leader must have succumbed to hubris, as fighting two other cabals wasn't enough. My Skadegamutc shaman teleported into contact with Mike's Mephit (who had been advancing towards one of the relics I seized). Mephits can take only 7 hits, so I knew my shaman had a decent chance of killing it outright in one attack. We succeeded, and rolled a lousy "3" for our Soul dice. In my opinion, you want to roll a 1 or a 6 on that 1d6, because you can utilize Soul Dice to substitute for either your rolls or your opponents. You need natural 6's to save against hits, so those are very useful. Ones are great to substitute for your opponent's to-hit rolls. Still, killing one enemy demon early in turn 2 was a great start.
End of Turn 3 and Wendigo cabal is best on both flanks by Allen and Jenny's cabals
Wendigo Cabal was able to follow up its success on Turn 3. First, my three lesser demons accompany my leader ganged up on and killed one of his Slaughter Fiends. Then, when Allen's leader waded into the fray, I brought Wendigo in to hopefully kill him off with one lucky roll. I would be rolling 10 dice, hitting on 2+, AND getting double hits on natural 6's. It was not to be, though. We badly wounded his Leader, causing him to take advantage of the "One With Nothing" immediately on the following turn and disappear from the board (reappearing on the subsequent turn). Allen struck back, bringing in his own Void Demon to kill off one of my lesser demons. My shaman gave him a taste of his own medicine, though, and teleported in and wounded him grievously. A follow-up by a Skinwalker Bear killed off his demon...well, kind of. Void Demons have a great special ability that allows them to reappear after being slain, albeit in a wounded state with only 5 Life left. That was TWO of Allen's demons we had in our grasp only to have slip away by his clever use of the Empty's special abilities!
My armored demon Grisly doesn't give up, chasing down Jenny's leader & seeking revenge
Meanwhile, Jenny was making due on her unspoken threats. My two Skinwalker bears planned on making a dash back to the terrain with the relic. However, her Leader and a Slaughter Fiend jumped on them before they could make good on their escape. One bear went down, and the one with the relic was able to limp into the terrain. The next turn, Jenny's leader chased it down and finished it off. I was rolling terrible on my saves (armored demons have a high Life and good saves, but mine were beginning to die in droves. The skinwalkers' support of the Skadegamutc had departed to assist against Allen, so I had lost all my forces on that flank.
The battle rages as Skadegamutc shaman, Wendigo, and skinwalkers attack Allen's cabal
My next turn, I believe my highest 12-sided die roll was a "6". Things looked bleak for the Wendigo Cabal, which had previously won both of this battles. Allen redeployed all the forces facing Mike S, and my demons were being ground down between two enemy forces. My wolverine skinwalker who had the relic tried to withdraw towards my corner, but was too slow. Allen was able to chase him down and kill him when both his weakened leader and void demon reappeared. One subtle mechanic of Reign in Hell is that when a demon is slain, the player losing the demon must discard an unused initiative d12. That usually means you have one demon who is unable to move (and thus strike back). If you lose two in a turn, you have two who are unable to fight back. I was on the losing end of this ebb and flow as my Initiative die rolls were low, and both Allen and Jenny were killing off my demons, meaning I could do little in reply.
Jenny made it an early goal to kill Mike S's devout, a Succubus which can take over enemy demons
My only measure of revenge at the end of the game was Skadegamutc was able to slay Jenny's devout and take back the relic my bears had seized. My Wendigo died, though, before he could utilize "One with Nothing" himself. I had set up my Wendigo to be tough to kill. He has the Essence Regenerating Soul, which heals 1 Life upon activation. He also carries the Soul Drinker relic, which also heals 1 Life if he slays an enemy demon. However, I seem to have gotten very little use out of either of these abilities in my three games with the cabal. I am considering giving Skadegamutc the Soul Drinker, and giving Wendigo the Lucky Charm. I use my shaman in a much more aggressive role. Even though he can't roll as many combat dice as the leader (meaning fewer natural 6's), he tends to attack every turn, unlike Wendigo.
If you enjoy Reign in Hell, check out the optional rules in Snarling Badgers blog, Demonomicon
We ended the Turn 5 with each of us in possession of 1 relic, so there was no game winner. I had lost way more models than the others, but my bad luck turned to good luck when I rolled on the Soul Loss for my slain demons. Two of my Bears rolled "Twisted", which allows the player to reduce either Move, Life, or Combat by one and add one to one of the other three. I chose to lose Life (Armored Demons begin with 13, and I feel 12 is still pretty good) to lose it from and Combat to gain it. One of my Wolverines rolled Chaos Power for Soul Loss, which I used to increase their Combat by one also. All of the other slain demons, including my Wendigo, rolled "no effect" for their Soul Loss. I did flub my Reward roll and score a "no reward found"...so not ALL my post-battle rolls were killer!
Finally, we totaled up our Soul Dice we didn't use for rerolls on the Soul Loss table or during the game. Those become "souls" which we can use to buy new demons. I think that I will buy a Spined Demon as Uktena, the horned serpent of Native American legend. I'll also buy a Mephit as (good luck pronouncing THIS name) Kanontsistontie -- giant, floating heads of powerful village elders returning from the spirit world. I know that Flint & Feather makes an awesome miniature for that as part of its boxed set, but I am currently balking at the price on that one. Who knows? Maybe I'll scratch-build or find something at the convention I am attending this weekend.
I'd love to buy these minis, but Flint & Feather figs are NOT cheap...
Which makes a great segue! Next update will be my report from Cincycon 2021...