Thursday, October 26, 2023

Three Warlords that "Got Away"

    The first of the three warlord stands using Gripping Beast's Godfrey of Bouillon miniature
This year, I continued the tradition of painting up and giving away warlord stands for my Saga tournaments at Advance the Colors 2023. I ended up giving away six stands worth -- three were posted earlier. Here are my final three, finished literally the day before I had to pack up everything to take to ATC. Everyone who got one has said they appreciated the prize, and I've seen on Facebook that some have even been used in battle already! That's great to see.

    A Muslim general painted up with leftover miniatures I had from my Gripping Beast Moorish army
I like to pick up the figures I use for them at the Historicon booth of Cotton Jim's Flags. He always seems to have some Gripping Beast metal miniatures on discount. If I'm buying something to give away, it only makes sense to reduce what I pay. Somehow, I was able to reduce the time it took me to paint this batch of nine miniatures. I finished them and created their banners in Photoshop in about half the time the previous batch took me. Of course, deadline pressure sometimes can do that!

    I used Gripping Beast's 'Attila the Hun' miniature and a 'Saxon Warlord" for this Eastern warlord
I really liked how all three came out, and I hope those who won them feel the same, too. I tried to paint a variety of nationalities so people could find something they had an army to match. At the same time, I tried to paint them relatively generically so that they would fit with more than one army. 

So, look for these three stands being used in games of Saga somewhere, sometime...!


  1. Great work Mike, they have a lot of character.

  2. Thank you, Jason! I'm going to have to buy that holding the severed head dude for myself...!
