Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Valkeeri Engineer - Color Shift Paints & Hydra Minis

    My first experiment with 'color shift paints' - which is the sparkly purple-blue of the uniform here
This single figure represents two "firsts" for me. The figure is from Hydra Miniatures "Retro Raygun" line of figures. It was sent to me as a freebie gift along with an order of their Valkeeri female soldiers I picked up for use with Xenos Rampant. It is the Astro Angel Engineer figure, which being female, fits well with the all-female Valkeeri force. I intend to paint them up as my next Xenos Rampant detachment...eventually. I did this one first because I found after I had painted my crew for Five Parsecs from Home that I was supposed to start with six (not five) characters. Serendipity, I guess!

    This was also the first Hydra Miniatures fig I painted - Astro Angel Enginner from 'Retro Raygun'
The other first is my first real use of color shift paints. This is a relatively new concept (I first heard about from John Leahy at Cincycon 2024 in March, though I'm sure they'd been out longer). The paint is essentially a glaze that reflects the light shining on the figure in a prismatic effect. The bottle I bought was from Folk Art, and advertised itself as having a Violet-Blue-Red shift. When I look at the miniature under my painting lamp, it looks mostly blue. However, when you change the lighting (as I hope you can see in some of the photos), it looks more purple. I think you really have to work with some strange lighting (or lack of?) to get any red out of it, though.

    The uniform's blue is what I see under my paint lamp. The purple comes out in other light
I had a color scheme in mind for my Valkeeri detachment, so figured this was a great opportunity to test and see if it worked. Ostensibly, I don't need this figure for my 24-point detachment, so it is a great test subject. I went back and look at how one of my favorite miniature painters, Dr. Matthias from the Lead Adventure Forum, painted it. Click on the link above where it says "Astro Angel Engineer" to see how much better a painter he is than me! Anyway, I decided to paint the unitard that goes from the boots to neck and gloves with the color shifting paints. I shook up the paint a little extra and then opened it up to see milky white. I figured that I hadn't shaken it up enough, so did it some more. When it was still milky white, I put an old brush in the bottle, stirred it up, and pulled it out. It was all the same color -- the paint was shaken up enough. It was then I noticed the tiny glitter-like flecks.

    I love the very retro 1950s Sci-Fi look of the rocket packs, raygun pistol sand helmets on these figs!
Okay, I thought, here goes! I researched beforehand how to prep the surface for a color shift paint. You are supposed to prime it black and then do a clear gloss on the black. As I brushed it on, I was thinking, "This isn't working." It looked the same milky white (and didn't appear to be covering the black at all). I came back about an hour later and said, "Wow!" It did indeed dry opaque, but what a color that was! It was very sparkly -- think of a gold lame dress. That's how I felt it sparkled. As I said, though, it looked blue under my paint lamp. I was planning on a purple and black color scheme -- which I felt would look cool with the light green skin I was going to give my Valkeeri. Now what to do for the rest of the figure?

    Is the uniform blue? Purple? Both? This prismatic effect is an interesting feature of color shift paint
I decided to give her purple boots and gloves, and make the flexible joints in the uniform black to see how that turned out. The helmet and metallic portions of the uniform I painted with a steel base coat and bright bronze highlights (also a Folk Art color). I thought this almost coppery tone would be a good accent and make it look suitably retro. I had decided my Valkeeri skin would be light green -- think of the Orion slave dancing girl that Capt. Kirk in Star Trek goes gaga over. Dr. Matthias paints his in a normal skin tone, but he is a master painter. I need something to make mine stand out...ha, ha!

    A final look at my sixth crew member for my Five Parsecs from Home - a very cool & unique fig!
So, how do I like my experiment? I do like it. I may change up the other uniform colors when I get around to doing my entire Xenos Rampant force of Valkeeri, though. In the meantime, the engineer will be my sixth crew for Five Parsecs from Home. Yes, yes, I know I haven't said anything about the game since my first post awhile back. That's because I've been so busy working on the Beldolor Studies Gatorfolk (which will be my next post -- if the confounded Columbus humidity ever lets me spray seal any figures!). This figure was actually painted after the Gatorfolk, but completed while I was waiting to be able to spray (still waiting, by the way...). Important note: my research says NOT to spray seal color shift paints. They are a sealant, in addition to a paint, glaze, and first-time use by me...! Hope you like it!!

Miniature Painting & Purchasing Tally for 2024

  • Miniatures acquired in 2024: 104
  • Miniatures painted in 2024: 96

1 comment:

  1. Nice effect, it certainly has a space vibe. I like the color scheme.
