Monday, January 20, 2025

Purchases from Siege of Augusta 2025

    Damaged Trailer #2 - one of Bad Goblin Games' excellent 3-D printed pieces of terrain
My first convention of the year was a drive down south to visit my friend Jason in South Carolina. He usually attends Siege of Augusta every year, taking his two high school age kids along with him. Jenny and I drove down Thursday and spent the evening with him before we all headed to the convention for Friday and Saturday. I'll do another post covering the games I played in at Siege, but here is my overview of what I bought while there. Knowing ahead of time that both Miniature Building Authority and Bad Goblin Games were going to be there, I expected to drop some cash!

    Fortified Trailer #2 - which is the 3rd of Bad Goblin's fortified ones that I own - can't wait to paint it!
My first purchases were at Bad Goblin Games, since I knew how quickly their products sold out when I first saw them at Historicon 2024. I picked up two more of their 3-D printed trailers, one fortified and one "damaged". These are truly excellent pieces of terrain. All of the sandbags, tires, wooden palettes, and such are all printed on. All you have to do is prime and paint them. Once these two are done, that will put me at five trailers for the tabletop. This will give me the chance to run a game set exclusively inside a trailer park and not have it as the "bad side of town" on a city board. I am looking forward to painting these up!

    Cinder block walls & random scatter I picked up from Bad Goblin (& a free pack of ladders!)
Also purchased from Bad Goblin Games were some 3-D printed cinder blocks. They were out of them at Historicon once I decided to go back and buy them, so I wanted to make sure I got them before they sold out again. They have two packs -- one of straight cinder block walls, and another of more random piles of them. I am curious to see if I can cut some of the walls up so that I also have individual cinder blocks. I could use them for various pieces of scatter on the bases of walls or even larger figures. Either way, at $8 a pack, these are incredibly affordable -- as are all of Bad Goblin's products.

    Besides making very cool trailers and other scatter, I love Bad Goblin's LED lit fires and other items

Another of the products that Bad Goblin makes that I love is its range of fires. At Historicon, I'd picked up one each of their Dumpster Fire, Barrel Fire, and Pit Fire. This time, I grabbed two packs of their generic fire markers, which has the battery and flickering LED light contained underneath and inside the fire marker. I can place these anywhere on the board, and honestly, should probably have bought yet another pack of them...ha, ha! I'd forgotten about their Scrying Pools and such. These come with different colors and also LEDs that slowly fade and brighten. I couldn't resist grabbing one of the scrying pools. Very cool stuff to have on the tabletop of a miniature game! Oh, and in thanks for my previous posts on Lead Legionaries about their products, they threw in a free pack of 28mm Ladders, too. I'd said they should sell those separately, instead of just including them in the trailers and water towers, and they aparently agreed!

    Miniature Building Authority's two story Customs House with balcony which I picked up on sale

Awhile back, a friend of mine urged me to stop at Miniature Building Authority early on when visiting a convention they were attending as a dealer. He said they often have special deals, so this time I actually followed through on his advice! I found this two story Customs House on sale for just $40!! Now, it was marked down because there was no roof (not sure if it had been lost or damaged). However, I can easily make a roof myself. I do also need to make a second floor to place atop the first floor room walls, but that will be equally easy to cut to size. I really look forward to getting this piece painted up and on the tabletop. It'll make a great anchor piece for a modern city street.

    This MBA "Souq" will match my other buildings I have from them and can be used in many periods

I had intended to pick up 2-3 more buildings from Kirk at MBA while at Siege, but I waited till Saturday to pick out which ones. MBA has so many cool buildings with character, that it was simply a matter of deciding which ones I liked best. I have a number of their stone buildings which are intended for the Middle East, but can be used for just about any era -- including Sci-Fi. I ended up picking up their "Souq", which is a stone building with three small storefronts. I'll likely paint it to match the other MBA buildings I have.

    MBA's Shanty Town range has a number of flavorful buildings I can use for  Modern & Post-apoc
I have to admit, that in addition to picking up the "Contractor's Office" (which is a building ostensibly made from a modified shipping container) from Kirk, I am soooo stealing this idea! I have at least one or two Reaper shipping containers sitting amidst my unpainted terrain. So, I'll be making my own, too! Anyway, this piece is very cool and could be used on a modern construction site, for post-apocalyptic games, in a trailer park -- you name it! I'm thinking it should paint up very quickly, so it will be one of the many buildings jostling for position at the front of the line on my painting desk!
    Some of the great scatter terrain that Kirk brings to shows and hangs on his racks to entice buyers

As some of you may know, I keep a list of all unpainted terrain that I have sitting in my closet waiting for its turn to be readied for the tabletop. A number of those items on the list are from MBA's extensive line of resin scatter terrain. I love spinning the racks and searching through what he brings at every show. I picked up a few more this time, one for a project under way this year and another couple for a "one day" project. I have visited many Mayan, Aztec, and Incan sites in my travels. I really want to game the period one day, but have never gotten around to it. That hasn't stopped me from collecting great terrain and scatter pieces, though! So, I picked up a couple small Olmec heads and a very cool Aztec calendar to add to my collection. I also grabbed a pair of Asian water buffaloes for my Vietnam project I'm starting this year.

    A new vendor I'd not encountered before had some amazing 3-D printed Sci-Fi terrain

My final purchase at Siege of Augusta wa from Bryan Stroup, who I believe is calling his 3D-printing business Garrison 3D. He had a huge display of amazing Sci-Fi buildings, as well as some Ancient, Medieval, and Western, I believe. I almost bought in big, but considering my larger purchases already at Bad Goblin and MBA, I limited myself to a half dozen Sci-Fi Transmitters. These were really cool looking scatter pieces I can add to my Sci-Fi tabletop. Six of them for only $10 was too good a deal to resist. My friend Jason went bigger, though, and grabbed his huge, domed Ancient temple, which appeared to be modeled on the Roman Pantheon, for his Stargate games. Great stuff! And I hope to see Bryan and his prints at another show.

    Not the greatest pictures, but here are Ragnar Lothbrok from the Vikings TV series & friends
The final purchase in this post was actually done online. It did arrive while I was at Siege of Augusta, but I'd ordered a week or so earlier. I've decided that for my Viking Town Raid game that I will be running at shows this year I will use Ragnar Lothbrok and his friends and family as the leaders of each player's group. I went online and searched various 28mm miniatures that evoked (or were modeled on) the characters from the Vikings series, and chose the ones from Brigade Games. These will be the next miniatures to be painted, as soon as I finish the six on my desk that are mostly complete. So, expect better pictures of Ragnar, Lagertha, Rollo, Floki, and Bjorn soon!

MINIATURES Acquired vs. Painted Tally for 2025

  • Miniatures acquired in 2025: 7
  • Miniatures painted in 2025:

TERRAIN Acquired vs. Painted Tally for 2025

  • Terrain acquired in 2025: 5
  • Terrain painted in 2025: 4

SCATTER Acquired vs. Painted Tally for 2025

  • Scatter acquired in 2025: 9
  • Scatter painted in 2025: 1

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