F Troop & the Followers of the Dark Prophet behind them scour through the trees looking for goats
We got together last night for our eighth scenario in our
post-apocalyptic campaign. I'm pretty pleased to have kept this series of games going for so long. I may run it only once every 3-4 months or so, but still, not bad longevity in the "Ooh, shiney!" world of miniature wargaming! I had encouraged nearly all of the players after the last mission to spend their accumulated points and upgrade the characters. A couple had been giving the majority of the new skills to the same few characters in the gang. So, I told them that *I* would choose which four characters from their survivor gang would take part in the mission. I wanted to even things out a bit, as the different survivor gangs have accumulated widely varying amounts of Renown Points. That meant a lot of the characters with fewer skills took part in this mission (and no leaders).
Players move their figs on my hexagon mat as the action heats up in our post-apocalyptic campaign
The briefing told the players that one of their gang members had spotted tracks of a herd of goats passing through their territory. Food was short now, with many of the stored or canned foods they'd scavenged expired by now. Some members of the group were getting sick from eating spoiled food. So, fresh meat would be nice! I used my hexagonal shaped board that is roughly 4 feet across, with each gang starting on their own side. The six goats were placed within 6" of the center of the board in woods (light cover). With them groups of players creeping towards each other, I figured it wouldn't be long before they started taking pot shots at each other.
The Bucknuts creep through the forest towards some goats, looking for some fresh meat
Remarkably, the players were somewhat disciplined and stayed "on mission." Mike W's Bass Reeves were the first to shoot at another player, though, wounding one of Joel's F Troop. Otherwise, when shots rang out across the board, it was goats that were falling to the ground. I took out the normal damage rolls when hunting goats, ruling that a hit was a kill. However, they had to drag the carcass off the table, or at least get it within 6" of their starting edge and remain in their possession. Some gangs struggled to "get their goat" more than others, but eventually, all had their supper heading towards their own table edge.
Allen's Followers of the Dark Prophet also stalking through the woods looking for game
I decided to modify my arrival rules for the Machines in this game. Instead of counting characters put out of action, I went with the total number of shots fired across the entire board. The Machines have listening points throughout the countryside that monitor for sounds of gunfire or voices, and dispatch bots to investigate. So, by the beginning of turn 3, the first Scout Drone flew onto the table. I used my aerial drones rather than the monowheel ones this time. I rolled for a random table edge and the Bass Reeves were the lucky winner! What's more, it was perfect timing as the two characters carrying the goat back were grouped together nicely with another member of their gang. The machine gun on the drone could get all three with one blast template! Mike seemed unhappy with his luck, but he shouldn't have been. The others could have consoled him by reminding him that I was rolling for the attacks! True to form, I missed with all three at short range -- rolling a 2, 3, and 4!
Bad timing for the Bass Reeves as a drone surprises them grouped together near their table edge
Tom's Green Dragons crept through the woods towards the gun battle between machine and men. They saw an opening and fired at the drone, inflicting one hit. The Bass Reeves also began to light up the lightly-armored drone, and sparks flew from its surface. They also wisely spread out. Soon, the drone was down, only to have another one fly on in the exact same spot! In fact, four of the six machines that would come onto the tabletop rolled "6's" to arrive on that same board edge. The other two came on behind the Bucknuts. Not very random "random" die rolls...!
Tom's Green Dragons investigate the gun battle going on between the drones and Bass Reeves
The Bass Reeves and Green Dragons were able to shoot down the second drone, too, but not before Tosh was machine gunned and taken out of action. Mike W showed no gratitude for the assistance of the Green Dragons, and promptly opened fire on them. A gunfight broke out between the two, but no one was knocked out of action. One by one, the Bass Reeves darted off of their board edge, disappearing into the forest.
Despite the temptation of extra Renown Points, Joel's F Troop was not drawn into a gunbattle
Meanwhile, on the other side of the board, the Bucknuts had finally gotten their goat. However, the heavy clomping of a Sentry Bot behind them made them all dart into the woods for cover or concealment. Both the Sentry Bot, and the Military Bot that followed it on, opened fire on any Bucknuts they could see within 1" of the edges of the woods. When Mike S wisely retreated all of them into the central patches of the woods, and out of line of sight of the Machines, the bots opened up on Keith's Nightstalkers at long range. My rolls to hit had improved, but all the machines could inflict from this point on in the game were points of "Shock."
'What's that?' Yeshua and his companions creep towards metallic structure overgrown with greenery
Allen's Followers of the Dark Prophet had spotted something, though. A metallic or glass reflection shone from the central patch of woods. Some of the other gangs had seen it, too, but fearing bots, kept their distance. Allen's gang crept forward to investigate. They soon realized the patch of vegetation was NOT the outline of a tree, but of a metallic structure overgrown with weeds and other greenery. Intrigued, Yeshua sneaked forward and was able to discover a door and pry it open. Inside, the electric hum of machines grew louder. "We could use some of this tech back at the base," Yeshua said to his companion that had joined him. Together, they began removing monitors and other pieces of machinery in case the smart guys back at camp could get it working to help them. They were joined by Earle of the Bucknuts, who after making sure a "truce" was agreed upon, joined them in dismembering parts from what appeared to be a radar or communications relay station.
Followers of the Dark Prophet and Bucknuts agree to a truce to investigate the building
After the Bass Reeves had fled the board, the Green Dragons moved in to do the same thing with the two downed Scout Drones. They unscrewed, hammered, and pried free some weaponry from the smoking bodies of the drones and began to head back to their own lines. However, just as Feng was finishing up, he heard a heavy metallic tramp and looked up to see the terrifying sight of a Military Bot just yards away. It opened fire, but once again my rolls were crap and inflicted only a point of Shock. Feng hightailed it into the trees and outpaced any pursuit of the slower moving Machine.
Nasty surprise! Military Bot clomps onto the table while Feng was scavenging parts from the drones
Luckily for the Bucknuts, when I had chosen which of their gang would be take part in this mission, I happened to pick ones who had the "Ranger" skill. This meant they weren't slowed down by moving through the trees. It would be a near thing, but by calculating how fast his guys could move, I told Mike S that if his guys got the jump on the bots on the next turn, there was little the Machines could do to catch or stop them. We dealt out the cards, and all of his survivors moved before the three Machines remaining on the tabletop! The GM's bad luck -- and the player's fortune -- continued.
Early in the game, (from left) Mike S, Tom, Mike W, Allen, and Keith survey the tabletop
All six gangs would be dining on fresh goat meat that evening around their campfires. Only the Bass Reeves had a player knocked out of action (Tosh). I'll have Mike roll for what happened to him, campaign-wise, next Sunday. I joked with the players that this was most disciplined and "on mission" that I'd seen them behave yet! Much as I tried to tempt the players with bonus points for knocking out members of the gangs they owed payback to, the inter-gang gunfire was limited. Still, the players said they had fun. The Wiley Games rules played quickly and we finished up earlier than we have in previous games. Hope you enjoyed the pictures and AAR. Stay tuned for more, we have lots more miniatures gaming coming up!
Tom has taken control of the Green Dragons -- good to have our old friend gaming with us again!
MINIATURES Acquired vs. Painted Tally for 2025
- Miniatures acquired in 2025: 100
- Miniatures painted in 2025: 15
TERRAIN Acquired vs. Painted Tally for 2025
- Terrain acquired in 2025: 10
- Terrain painted in 2025: 14
SCATTER Acquired vs. Painted Tally for 2025
- Scatter acquired in 2025: 51
- Scatter painted in 2025: 26
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