Originally built for my 28mm Pulp campaign, these temples will find use in my upcoming Frostgrave one, as well! |
This will finish out my SE Asian temples built earlier for my Pulp campaign. For the full thread on how I built them, please check out Southeast Asian Temples (actually, eight separate blog entries -- here's a link to the first): http://leadlegionaries.blogspot.com/2013/10/southeast-asian-temple-part-1-materials.html
I like how these scratch-built temples are mostly made from various bits and pieces that I picked up at the craft store. |
These two temples are a great size. I can really see them coming in handy for my Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago campaign. Expect treasure counters to be located in them regularly!
The second temple, a twin of the first, with Pulp explorers posing in front of it for a photo op |
Printed interiors look the part, I felt, and add that extra bit over an all black or blank inside |
Round Stupa
A common feature of SE Asian archeological sites are these round stupas, that look for all the world like a giant, stone tea bell sitting on a platform. They are usually solid state with a relic of the Buddha inside. However, being a fantasy/Pulp piece of terrain they HAVE to feature a hidden entrance into the interior (where doubtless great treasure is secreted away!).
A round paper mache box, a craft food finial, some beads, stone spray and voila! A SE Asian stupa! |
The upper portion pulls off of its base to reveal a hidden chamber! |
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