Monday, August 5, 2024

Aliens 3D Printed Figs - 'No One Can Hear You Scream'

    3D-printed minis from JS Wargamer Printing - 'aliens' from the famous Sci-Fi horror movies
I just painted the easiest miniatures I have ever done in more than 40 years. I have been getting various enemies ready for my Five Parsecs from Home Sci-Fi games. I decided it was time to paint up the pack of six 3D-printed "aliens" (think of the movie series starring Sigourney Weaver) that I bought off of John Leahy at CincyCon 2024. I had seen a painter on the Lead Adventure Forum post pictures of the alien creature models he'd received with the board game, "Aliens: Another Glorious Day in the Corps." So, I looked up the post and followed his recipe. I was seriously amazed at how quickly I finished them.

    There were three poses in the pack of six, including this crawling pose - love the detail on the head!
As with most 3D-printed figures, I spray-primed them black with Krylon Acrylic Black Fusion primer. And as always, I followed that up brushing on a 50/50 mix of acrylic black paint and water. I do this in hope this acrylic shell gives the figures a bit more strength and flexibility. Some 3D-printed figures are a bit brittle or fragile. Not counting flocking, there was literally only one more step to do. What, I hear you ask? All you did was prime them!

    SOOOO easy to paint up! Black, then a dry brush of gun mental and you're done (besides flocking)
"Michi" on Lead Adventure Forum said all he did was paint them black and then dry brush them with a gunmetal color. I did that, using the color I often use as a base for weapons for my Sci-Fi figures. The dry brush brings out the excellent detail on the figures from JS Wargamer Printing. Anyone who has seen the movies know the creatures are supposed to be dark, scary, and difficult to see much detail on. They also seem to be dripping with their acidic fluids, so after I was done with the flocking, I hand painted them with Vallejo Gloss Clear. And I was done! That was it!!

    I also gave the aliens a gloss coat to replicate the wet, acid-dripping look from the movies
Granted, I'm skipping talking about the flocking stage, mainly because I wanted to stress how quickly they painted up. In fact, I am thinking of NOT bothering to put together my board game models from my recently-purchased copy of Another Glorious Day in the Corp, and simply buying a couple more packs off of John. The models from the board game are supposed to be VERY difficult to put together. The ones from JS Wargamer Printing are one piece and look awesome, I think. So, I will likely be contacting John to get some more figs! If you want some easy-to-paint Aliens, I recommend you do, as well.

    "What are we going to do? We're in some pretty s%@$ now...!!!" I plan on picking up more of these
Miniature Painting & Purchasing Tally for 2024

  • Miniatures acquired in 2024: 104
  • Miniatures painted in 2024: 107


  1. Thanks! I DID order two more packs and will likely paint all 12 as one batch soon. Looking forward to using them in a game.
