Sunday, August 25, 2024

Undead Ladies of the Night - Zombie Women from WF

    A horde of zombie women stagger from the gas station where they just made a pit stop for brains...
As mentioned in a previous post, my friend Keith gave me 10 of the Wargames Factory female zombies from their "Zombie Vixens" box. I decided to try to individualize them more than I did with the last batch of male zombies. So, they took a bit longer, but still painted up pretty quickly. Some of the poses were pretty active, so I decided to make them "Fast" zombies, or Runners. This mean re-imagining how I flock them so that it is clear on the tabletop which ones are ordinary zombies and which are fast ones.

    For this batch, I tried to do a bit more to individualize their clothes -- like the patterned dress on right
I prepared them the usual way - Krylon Black Fusion spray followed up by a 50/50 mix of water and acrylic black paint. The skin is a craft paint called "Wild Rice," and for these I decided to go back over it with a second coat to make sure it covered the black primer a bit more thoroughly. I used relatively bright colors, or at least ones that are more vivid. The zombie women are all depicted as relatively young and fit, so I stereotyped and decided they would be dressed more nicely than I have been painting the guys.

    I thought the red and white polka dot halter top & jean shorts worked well on the blonde at right
I also made sure I bloodied this group up a tad more than some of the others. All of the figures seem to be molded with bite wounds either on their legs or somewhere. I also gave most of them bloody hands and mouths, which makes them a bit more horrifying, if you ask me. I gave them a variety of hair colors, including the strawberry blonde on a couple figures. 

    A smiley face shirt and red bikini certainly made these zombies "Runners" different!
For the "Fast zombie" poses, I decided to redo how I flocked them. Since the ordinary zombies use Fine Blended Gray Ballast from Woodland Scenics to replicate asphalt, I felt the Fast zombies needed a different color tone to stand out. I went with a brown dirt look, using sand which had been given a dark brown vehicle wash a couple times. Hopefully, my players can tell them apart easier than what I was doing before. And yes, that mean I went back and re-flocked the previous three "Runners!"

    The zombie in the pink party dress with the missing right hand is a good example of the unique poses

The zombie party girls will get a night on the town when I run Zombie RV for my friends, this evening. I should have six players, and setting out all my zombies made me realize one thing: Unfortunately, I need more zombies! That's okay, as I have several batches in line to join the party. I have two more batches of 10 Wargames Factory male zombies, two more batches of 3-D printed zombies special ordered from JS Wargamer Printing, and a handful of metal figures I culled from the lead pile that will make good "Nasty zombies," I hope. That will also help me correct the disparity in 2024's Miniatures Acquired vs. Miniatures Painted! Zombies paint up easily, and with the next batch, I will be back in the positive range!

    Having picked up (& eaten) any available men at the gas station, the party girls are hitting the streets

Miniature Painting & Purchasing Tally for 2024

  • Miniatures acquired in 2024: 149
  • Miniatures painted in 2024: 140


  1. Great work on those "ladies" you have made the clothes really stand out with patterns etc and they look super.

  2. Nice variety of clothing on these. This box, the male zombie box, and the female/male survivors are great for zombie games. How many zombies are in the horde so far?

  3. Let's see...20 ordinary zombies from JR, 10 Infected from JR, 10 WF males, 10 WF females. The horde is at 50, with 10 more WF primed and on the desktop. Obviously, I need more zombies...ha, ha!

  4. Well done. I don't see many people put patterned clothing on their modern/apocalyptic figures, despite its prevalence in real life. So I approve heartily when it is done!

    1. Thanks, Colgar! I appreciate the kind words. I appreciate you checking out my blog!
