Wednesday, August 21, 2024

More Purchases and Acquisitions to Ruin my Painted vs. Unpainted!

    Most of the miniatures I buy from JS Wargamer Printing were STLs designed by Papsikels
So, each time I have gone to a convention this year my 2024 totals for Painted vs. Unpainted takes a hit. Then, I get painting again, and pretty soon I am back in the black, so to speak. Or green in my tally at the bottom of my posts. I had just recovered from my Historicon 2024 purchases when I made another order from JS Wargamer Printing. So, now I am in the red, again! I thought keeping track was supposed to help me keep my spending down...right?

   Alien Grays that I picked up -- cool figs, eh? They'll work for any of the Sci-Fi games I'm playing
What did I buy? Well, I was so impressed with the Aliens I painted up (especially how quickly I could complete them), that I decided to order some more. Knowing that I would be charged shipping, I figured I should defray that a little by ordering more. Makes sense, right? Makes the shipping cost less "per figure"?

    There were actually 11 resistance figures that John sent me -- all have lots of character like these
So, I picked up a pack of the Alien Grays, which looked so cool. They'll fit in with the retro look of some of my Sci-Fi stuff, as well as be a good enemy for Five Parsecs from Home. I also really liked the look of the Terminator Human Resistance figures. They'd make good survivors for a post-apocalytpic campaign or even zombie games. I think John appreciates the promoting of his company that I've been doing, too, because he tossed in two extra resistance and two extra Alien Grays. 

    The female zombies Keith gave me came from this pack, I believe...
Finally, I mentioned in my previous post Keith gave me 10 female zombies from Wargames Factory. Not technically a purchase, but I should count it in the "Acquired vs. Painted" totals. So, that puts me behind, again, as you can see below. I expect to catch back up relatively quickly with the Aliens and zombies going fairly fast. Oh, but wait! I have that upcoming trip to the Michigan Toy Soldier Company at the end of this month! And I did say I was going to pick up more of their Retro Rayguns Sci-Fi line...

Oh, no! Will I  get back in the black only to slip back into the red, again...?

Miniature Painting & Purchasing Tally for 2024

  • Miniatures acquired in 2024: 149
  • Miniatures painted in 2024: 130


  1. Nice acquisitions, I like the Greys they look fun sculpts, great for retro sci-fi that's for sure.

    1. Yeah, they'll fit well with the Hydra Miniatures I bought (and will likely buy more of soon....!).

  2. I really like those Grays. Can't wait to see them painted, which at your current pace I estimate to be in about a week.

    1. Haha! Nah, I have to gear up for the zombie game I'll be running at Hold the Line, Sept. 13-14. Once I am done with those, they'll be in the queue...somewhere!
